4K 60P VIDEO: Diving with Whale Sharks 2018 (Length 3:31, Hero 7 Black, 4K 60p, FCPX)

Diving with the majestic Whales Sharks in Oslob, Cebu was amazing. When these gentle giants swam by within an arm-length distance, we could feel the wake of their powerful tail fins. Incredibly, we swam with the largest sharks in the ocean for about an hour and a half - two 45-minute dives - and it was totally worth traveling half way around the globe to experience this!

Keep in mind that these are wild whale sharks on their migratory journeys in the open ocean, freely stopping by Oslob.

Here are two good articles on Whale Sharks in Oslob:

1. National Geographic: Inside the Chaotic World of Whale Shark Tourism wrote: "As far the sharks go, most visit for a few days or weeks and move on. But some - four percent of the total - become year-round residents." "whale shark tourism - with its unknown effects on the animals - shows no signs of slowing down."

2. The Guardian: How whale sharks saved a Philippine fishing town and its sea life

Sadly, whale shark is the second most endangered shark species:
1. Great white shark
2. Whale shark
3. Scalloped hammerhead
4. Dusky shark
5. Basking shark

100 millions sharks are killed each year worldwide. Please join the urgent efforts on their conservation before it’s too late!

Thanks to NBA star 姚明 Yao Ming's public service announcement and similar efforts, consumption of shark fin soup in China has fallen by about 80 percent since 2011.

Not just in Asian restaurants, UK & Australia fish and chip shops serve up endangered sharks also:
UK article
Australia article

Wading into the water from the beach, we encountered corals and tropical fish right away. Surprisingly, this brave clownfish left the protection of sea anemone and came right up to the camera.

Soon, we noticed these massive whale sharks slowing appearing from the ocean blue. Seeing them in person was amazing!

Mouth wide open, these giant fish filter nutrients from the water.

The largest fish in the ocean are female whale sharks since males are much smaller. According to our dive master, the one on the right was the only female that showed up during our dives.

She swam straight toward me and changed direction last second.

We were not allowed to swim close to them, but they could freely approach us of course.

If we intentionally touched the whale shark, the dive master would end our dive right away.

Three whale sharks in one shot - how cool is that!

My wife and son were photobombed by this shark who appeared at the perfect moment. My daughter was trying to move out of the way.

According to National Geographic article, most of the whale sharks that show up at Oslob are young males.

It was an incredible and possible a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

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