61 kilometers (38 miles) off the coast of Southern California, Santa Barbara Island is a nature preserve and the smallest of the California Channel Islands. With very limited boat access, it is a special treat to dive with the sea lions here.

GOPRO 60P VIDEO: Upon arrival we were immediately greeted by dozens of friendly and curious sea lions who swam close, bumping into us once in a while. Needless to say we thoroughly enjoyed the experience! Listen closely and you'll hear the faint sound sea lions make underwater.

GOPRO 60P VIDEO: One young sea lion kept circling us on the calm ocean surface. Sea lions are also known as sea dogs because they behave so much like canines - playful and friendly. Taking photos and videos at the same time, shutter sound from our NEX-5R can be heard in two of the clips. Some of the photos are posted below.

As soon as we arrived, the locals came out to greet us.

California Giant Kelp Forests are these sea lions' underwater domain. The water temperature is quite cold year-round so divers always cover themselves from head to toe.

A small youngling kept circling us and was not afraid to come close.

This cutie liked to settle on the sea floor nearby, watching us slowly swimming by.

Chasing our air bubbles was his or her favorite activity.

Blocked by the giant kelps and water column, light level diminished quickly in the kelp forest. Photographing fast-moving sea lions under low-light condition was very challenging.

This is my favorite photo from that day.

Thank you for posing for us the whole dive!

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